
Brand Valley helps our clients by providing insights, structure and direction. Through research we have established efficient models for strategy and development work. Below you will find a brief presentation of the processes. These can be delivered as a unified process, but also as single deliveries if needed.

Different templates are developed for the individual exploration project so that useful information is discovered as efficiently as possible.

Different templates are developed for the individual exploration project so that useful information is discovered as efficiently as possible.

Evaluation workshop to further develop NÆRINGSTEFT. A competence project for entrepreneurs in Northwestern Norway under the auspices of Sparebanken Møre.

Evaluation workshop to further develop NÆRINGSTEFT. A competence project for entrepreneurs in Northwestern Norway under the auspices of Sparebanken Møre.


Every process where change is sought, one must start by understanding the context one is part of. To gain insights into the context, Brand Valley delivers qualitative-based research work.

Our toolbox contains a number of different qualitative research methods. We conduct in-depth interviews, observations, semantic analyses, digital and physical focus and mapping groups. In the studies, we combine qualitative research and design methodology.


Insights are an important foundation for discussions and consensus seeking, when deciding on what the goal of a project is or how a project should develop. We facilitate the process an organisation goes through in order to make informed choices about their direction. Core in our approach, is that the direction of an organisation must reflect the organisation's identity, history, values and other background. From this one may set the ambition for the strategy or the development project.


Idea development is often organised as a workshop where various stakeholders are invited to share their thoughts and ideas about the project. By facilitating co-creation of ideas we create ownership and anchoring around the direction of the organisation’s development. An example of this can be read in our client story from the development of an industry standard for NHO.


Various perspectives and ideas are brought in and unifed. When converging we identify the potential, opportunities and challenges in the concept developed. The unified idea can take various forms. Sometimes it is words or expressions that set the direction and vision, but it can also be a position map, a road map or a concept for a service, business model or a product.


Brand Valley aids our clients in the implementation phase, as a discussion partner or by following up parts of the development. We facilitate evaluation and reflection throughout the implementation of what has been developed, and through that help foster a culture for continuous development.

across the deliveries

Anchoring: Brand Valley's method emphasises anchoring. Regardless of whether we provide the customer with qualitative insight, facilitation for development or to identify direction, we emphasise anchoring the strategy and the further development work with key stakeholders. This is the most important step in implementing the strategy or development. In most of the projects we work on, we include all of the processes above, but it is often one of the deliveries that is dominant. See our customer stories for references or read more about our method.

Faciliation: Facilitation is a core tool in Brand Valley’s strategy kit. It is particularly important in those parts of the process where the organisation need a shared understanding, shared ideas or a shared plan for further development.